Saturday, December 05, 2009

Passports, Bags and International travel

Bitting cold has driven a choreographed flock of twittering birds to the tree outside my window. They gleen juniper berries and are gone with the sound of fluttering wings. How do they know where to search for and find food? They remind me that in their own way they are filled with hope and faith. Hope -- that there will be a nutritious reward along the way and faith that they will find it! The sight of this morning ritual gives me hope to go forward even though my day is looming filled with imperfectly completed tasks!

Our yearly cookie exchange with my Ingram friends was on the horizon, but after I took down all the decorations in the gym for our Celebration of Nations last night I just didn't have it in me to bake cookies. Now I had to decide whether to call and cancel, or just go to the neighborhood bakery and buy the cookies!

The "Celebration of Nations" was the reason for my inability to get everything accomplished...To see the rest of the photos click here.

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