Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Green Deeds Day 6 & 7

One surprising thing about encouraging my kids to be more aware of the environment and see possible green deeds is that I have done this as well.  This past weekend I took my glass to recycle it at the collection point near my home.  I was not alone.  Lots of folks were there to recycle. Here is our jumping off point for learning about recycling! -- Take the challenge track trash in your environment for a week and document it with your cell phone.  You'll be surprised as was !

But the saddest thing I saw was what was in and around the big containers.   Adjacent to the collection site was a truck surrounded by trash, even mattresses.  Why would someone park there and try to do a PigPen recreation?  It had rained the night before and I found trash floating in containers making it even more unappealing to do a green deed and pick up the trash floating there.I walked away.

Everywhere I turned there was a green deed waiting to be done.  The people at the collection center told me that they were recycling because they cared about the world, and they were distressed by the obvious flagrant violation of good citizenship we saw all around us.  This week students are working on recycling as a way of saving energy.  Our students will learn that recycling aluminum save 95% of the energy of mining and making a can from new aluminum. 

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